Frequently Asked Questions

Still have questions about Bitcode Method? We have provided the answers to the most frequently asked questions about our platform below.

What Is Bitcode Method?

Bitcode Method is a dedicated marketing platform you can use to discover cryptocurrency brokers. Our platform is designed to cut down the time it takes for traders to choose a company to work with, as we make that choice on their behalf. We work with a wide selection of top-tier brokerages from all over the world to ensure the versatility of our services. Note that we are not a broker or a financial advisor.

Is Bitcode Method Safe to Use?

Yes, Bitcode Method is perfectly safe to use. Our website follows the latest security standards and is equipped with all that is needed to keep your information safe.

Is Bitcode Method Beginner-friendly?

Bitcode Method is aware that a large portion of the people seeking brokers are first-time traders. As such, we have ensured to make our platform extremely beginner-friendly. Using it is quick and simple, and boils down to entering your details in the sign-up form. Bitcode Method does everything else automatically, so you needn’t worry about a thing!

How Much Is Bitcode Method?

You’ll be pleased to learn Bitcode Method is free to use! We do not charge our customers any fees. Instead, we are compensated by our affiliate partners for our marketing efforts.

How Can I Create a Bitcode Method Account?

Creating an account with Bitcode Method is quite simple. All you need to do is fill in the registration form with your information. That’s it! Our algorithm will use your info to pair you with a broker, who will then contact you and explain the next steps in setting up your account.

Should I Trade Cryptocurrency With Bitcode Method?

Crypto is a fascinating asset that can enrich your portfolio. That being said, the cryptocurrency market is highly volatile. Compared to stocks or Forex pairs, crypto may carry more risk, which is why it may not be suitable for some investors. At the same time, digital currencies can potentially generate profits faster than traditional assets for the same reason. If you understand the risks and are comfortable with them, then crypto may be a good fit for you.

What Can I Trade With Bitcode Method?

Bitcode Method works with full-featured brokerages. This means our partners offer diverse trading instruments you can use in your portfolio. Though we place the focus on cryptocurrencies, our brokers also allow you to trade Forex pairs, stocks, commodities, futures and more. If you’re looking to build a diversified portfolio, Bitcode Method has got your back!